Our Aims & Values


Love, Contribution, Courage, Flourishing

These core values are the pillars on which our schools and nurseries are built. We call them our Foundation Stones.

We encourage everyone within the Foundation to love each other with integrity, openness and abundance and we embrace vulnerability to enable depth in our love for others. We acknowledge that we have a wider responsibility to one another to be the best version of ourselves, through rest and reflection, in order to fully show love in this way. Our mission is that all people within our community will feel valued, respected and loved.


We know that each person has something valuable to offer. With a sense of humility, we aim to contribute greatly to each other and more widely beyond our immediate community.


Everyone can show courage no matter how strong or weak they may feel. Our aim is ensure that each person knows they are accepted for who they are, and in turn will be guided to show courage to try new things, take risks and impact positive change.


Our desire is that our staff and pupils lead a full and fulfilled life, in which we flourish and reach our potential.  Flourishing is the aim that anchors the values of love, courage and contribution. We deeply care about quality in our teaching, high standards, inclusion and the desire not to leave anyone behind. By sincerely loving others, enabling people to feel confident to be courageous and encouraging wider contribution beyond oneself, we believe every member of our community has the ability to flourish


How our values are lived out

Through creating authentic friendships built on kindness. The children know and understand how to grow lasting relationships by including others, putting an arm around someone or by being a good listener. We see this day by day and often when the children don’t realise that someone is watching.
We recognise that the children are constantly giving to the school community. Whether through their ideas or their actions, they are passionate about having their voices heard. We develop our school to be a place where the children are able to offer help, however big or small that might be, so that we can influence our community. It might be the summer fair or Christmas concert or a charity event, what matters is that we know every child has something incredibly special to give.

Courage is on show all around us, every day. The children have a tremendous capacity to simply have a go because they know that it is safe to do so. We know that for some it will be those simplest of tasks that require the most courage. We foster this spirit and know that by giving a variety of opportunities, the children will make those steps forward and see the journey that has been made.

The children flourish on a daily basis. Staff recognise and celebrate every small step, seeking to consider the individual and their progress. It is never static and by knowing the children we are able to help them look forwards, ready to overcome the next challenge.


Our Aims

Every pupil is stretched with a wealth of opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom.

We aim to inspire children to reach their full academic, social and emotional potential in a safe, caring and supportive setting.

We emphasise the importance of manners, respect and self-discipline while having high expectations of all our children.

We are an inclusive school with Christian Values.

We will always contribute to all aspects of life at St John’s.

We will love and respect our school and the whole community.

We will be courageous.

We will strive to be our best self.