Years 1 & 2


Our broad, balanced and vibrant curriculum ignites a love of learning with engaging topic-based teaching methods fully engaging the children. Children enjoy exploring a range of topics that develop their literacy and numeracy skills as well as weekly French and swimming lessons, PE, Games and Music. To ensure all areas of learning are being developed, we use the basic framework of the Key Stage One National Curriculum as a guideline.

We use a combination of group and individual work, promoting learning for all children across differing levels of attainment and ability. The individual strengths of the children are nurtured and encouraged, so each child can reach their full potential. Our topic based approach offers a wide range of learning opportunities aimed at stimulating and nurturing your child’s development and interests.

The high teacher-to-pupil ratio ensures that each child is able to develop and learn at their own pace. We encourage progress through immediate positive praise and rewards celebrating achievements. French, music and physical education are taught by dedicated specialist teachers from the Prep School, giving the children an early advantage in experiencing and developing their skills in these subjects.

Our teaching is extended outside as each classroom has an integral outdoor area offering the children another learning dimension. In addition, our nature garden, forest school and adventure playground encourage activity and exploration in the exciting world around them. Trips and visits support and extend our academic curriculum. We also invite visitors; ‘Florence Nightingale’, Braces Bread, Pirate Pete and Roaming Reptiles to name a few, to bring their love of their subjects into the classroom to further extend the boundaries of the children’s learning.

We operate an open-door policy, inviting parents into the building in the afternoon. This gives time for informal conversations about how the day has gone and the opportunity for children to show off what they have done during the day. Our staff work hard to provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment for children to grow, develop and flourish at their own pace and stage of development.

Welcome to Key Stage 1 booklet